August 18, 2011

Dan Grayber, Sculptor

Grayber Scultpure
His work is astounding, and his philosophy is refreshing. "Dan Grayber creates mechanical objects that are intricately designed to resolve their own problems or shortcomings."

"Objects are invented in order to satisfy particular needs, specifically, human needs. With my sculptures I investigate the concept of need when the human is removed from this equation. I do this by replacing the human with the object itself. My sculptures are invented only to sustain themselves, functioning as self-resolving problems.  The result is an object that has been invented only to compensate for the complications created by its own existence. The piece alone represents the need and the resolution."

"Many of my pieces are small, spring loaded, mechanical objects.  They are intricately designed and fabricated to accomplish one of the most simple, yet most essential tasks that an autonomous object can.  This task, this need, is that of holding itself up.  In most cases, my pieces accomplish this by actively attaching themselves to specific architectural features and individual objects."

Green Swirls
My own thoughts on the topic: When we attach ourselves to God through His Son Jesus, then we become autonomous, "able to resolve [our] own problems, able to compensate for the complications created by [our] own existence, representing both the need and the resolution."

Link for pictures of Dan's work:

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